Postpartum Body of Dignity

I may get fitted in my old clothes but not in my old body.

Wanna know how I look now? Then here I’m, post 5 months of pregnancy with all bravery and strength in my postpartum body.

It looks a bit different than it used to look. It feels different. That’s for sure soft, more wobbly like a gooey marshmallow when you touch it or grab its skin.

Just decided to share how giving birth transforms your body and life. Frankly speaking, I am still not used to these extra bits of skin I’m in.

Every now and then I’m bombarded with niggling thoughts of insecurities. Though am doing my best by eating healthy and working out to level up my body, my strength but I’m aware that it will never be the same as it was once.

We may not like the skin we are in but our little ones do. This skin grew them and this body nourished them for all these months.

It stretched with them, broke and healed. It was the first skin they knew and will continue to comfort them throughout life.

It’s fine to not love and miss our old body and not to see ourselves through their eyes. But we have to embrace this new real kind of beauty.

I’m sharing my photo because I want you’ll to remember what our body went through to bring our little ones into this world. What it does on daily basis to feed them, isn’t it all pretty amazing? Do not get discouraged by people’s futile comments about your postpartum body

To all the mothers and to be mothers let’s start being a little more honest about the ups and downs of the miracle of motherhood. Because it’s only you who know what all you have faced to hold the baby for 9months inside you and then use all of your strength to give birth.

If you’ve picked yourself apart today, just remember all of the things your body has done for you, all the things your body has supported you with. Your body is your true partner, walks alongside you in life.

Every woman will change and recover different way, in her own way which is not only okay but attractive.

I’m pursuing to work hard to regain my physique once I had, which will take time but it can’t stop me from wearing or looking whatever way I want.

Mother’s we don’t have to feel insecure about our postpartum body instead we have to embrace it with dignity.

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